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时间:2021-07-27 阅读:1248 来源:境华国际教育


  Governmentof Canada announces easing of border measures for fully vaccinated travellers
  From: Public Health Agencyof Canada
  News release
  International flightscarrying passengers will be permitted to land at five additional Canadianairports
  July 19, 2021| Ottawa | Public Health Agency of Canada
  The Government of Canadais prioritizing the health and safety of everyone in Canada by taking arisk-based and measured approach to re-opening our borders. Thanks to the hardwork of Canadians, rising vaccination rates and declining COVID-19 cases, theGovernment of Canada is able to move forward with adjusted border measures.
  On September 7, 2021, provided that the domesticepidemiologic situation remains favourable, the Government intends to openCanada’s borders to any fully vaccinated travellers who have completed the fullcourse of vaccination with a Government of Canada-accepted vaccine at least 14days prior to entering Canada and who meet specific entry requirements.
  As a first step,starting August 9, 2021, Canada plans to begin allowing entry to Americancitizens and permanent residents, who are currently residing in the UnitedStates, and have been fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to enteringCanada for non-essential travel. This preliminary step allows for theGovernment of Canada to fully operationalize the adjusted border measures aheadof September 7, 2021, and recognizes the many close ties between Canadians andAmericans.
  Subject to limitedexceptions, all travellers must use ArriveCAN (app or web portal) to submittheir travel information. If they are eligible to enter Canada and meetspecific criteria, fully vaccinated travellers will not have to quarantine uponarrival in Canada.
  To further support thesenew measures, Transport Canada is expanding the scope of the existing Notice toAirmen (NOTAM) that currently directs scheduled international commercialpassenger flights into four Canadian Airports: Montréal-Trudeau International Airport,Toronto Pearson International Airport, Calgary International Airport, andVancouver International Airport.
  EffectiveAugust 9, 2021, international flights carrying passengers will bepermitted to land at the following five additional Canadianairports:
  Halifax     Stanfield International Airport;
  Québec     City Jean Lesage International Airport;
  Ottawa     Macdonald–Cartier International Airport;
  Winnipeg     James Armstrong Richardson International Airport; and
  Edmonton     International Airport.
  These airports, incooperation with the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canada Border ServicesAgency and Transport Canada, are working to implement the measures necessary tosafely welcome international passengers as soon as possible after August 9, asconditions dictate.
  All travellers,regardless of vaccination status, will still require a pre-entry COVID-19 molecular test result.However effective August 9, 2021, the Government of Canada isadjusting its post-arrival testing strategy for fully vaccinated travellers.Using a new border testing surveillance program at airports and land bordercrossings, fully vaccinated travellers will not need a post-arrival test unlessthey have been randomly selected to complete a Day 1 COVID-19 molecular test.There are no changes to the mandatory testing requirements for unvaccinatedtravellers.
  This strategy allows theGovernment of Canada to continue monitoring variants of concern in Canada andvaccine effectiveness. Using these layers of protection, the Government ofCanada can monitor the COVID-19 situation in Canada, respond quickly tothreats, and guide decisions on restricting international travel.
  Finally, with the advent of increased vaccination ratesin Canada, declining COVID-19 cases and reduced pressure on health carecapacity, the three-night government authorized hotel stay requirement will beeliminated for all travellers arriving by air as of 12:01 A.M. EDT on August 9. Fully vaccinated travellers who meet the requirementswill be exempt from quarantine; however, all travellers must stillprovide a quarantine planand be prepared to quarantine, in case it is determined at the border that theydo not meet the necessary requirements.
  While Canada continuesto trend in the right direction, the epidemiological situation and vaccinationcoverage is not the same around the world. The Government of Canada continuesto advise Canadians to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada –international travel increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19 and its variants,as well as of spreading it to others. Border measures also remain subject tochange as the epidemiological situation evolves. As Canada looks to welcomefully vaccinated travellers from the U.S., the federal government will continueto monitor the situation and provide updated travel advice to Canadians.


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