“A live dog is better than a dead lion”意为有生命而最卑贱的也脏过没生命而高尚的。
“Barking dogs seldom bite” “爱叫的狗很少咬人”
“Better an empty purse than an empty head(宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空)”
“Birth is much,but breeding is more(出身固然重要,教养更为重要)”
“A good book is a good friend(好书如挚友)”
“A friend is easier lostthan found(得朋友难,失朋友易)”
“A man can only die once(人生只有一回死)”
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the wood(二鸟林,不如一鸟在手)”
“A bold attempt is half Success(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半)”
“Cheats never prosper(骗人发不了财)”
“A rose byan yother name would smell as sweet” “玫瑰无论取何名,它的味道依旧香”。
莎士比亚著名喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream)的谚语“The course of true love never did run smooth.” “爱情之路,崎岖不平”
“Empty vessels make the most noise(满瓶子不响,半瓶于晃荡)”
“It takes two to make a quarrel(吵架要有两个人,一个巴掌拍不响)”
“The bait hides the hook(饵里藏钩,笑里藏刀)”
“The whole year's work depends on a good start spring(一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨)”
“Losers are always in the wrong(胜者为王,败者为寇)”