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New York University 纽约大学

时间:2021-03-23 阅读:2062 来源:境华国际教育

Collegelife 2019 最新大数据







    Out-of-State Tuition 非州内居民的学费



    Student Faculty Ratio 学生教授比例



    What Students Say About Professors





    Graduation Rate 毕业率




    What Students Say About Education






    What one word or phrase best describes the typical student at this school?











    Sexuality diversity 性别比例



    Racial Diversity 人种比例









    Politics On Campus 校园政治氛围







    How does peer pressure affect students’use of drugs and alcohol?






    How visible are the campus police on campus?









    What are your favorite campus events or traditions?










    What is the biggest party event of the year?










    Median Earnings 2 Years After Graduation





    接下来,是小伙伴们最关心的事情 -- 在校生评价。





    Academics 学术


    Classes are definitely challenging but if the available resources are used wisely, then those efforts can sometimes show through.




    The professors challenge the student in an interesting way to make them want to engage in class. The curriculum is strictly based off your major which saves a lot of time from taking unnecessary classes. The workload is high, but manageable if time is taken to do it. There are many places to study and to receive help is needed.





    Professors are truly passionate about what they teach, even if not all of them are the best at teaching, that's where TA's come in! For the most part the curriculum involved with getting a degree is very well-rounded with lots of opportunities for electives and other passions. Registration is pretty easy to manage, but frustrating as an underclassman because you probably won't get the time or professor or topic you wanted for a class very often. The workload is probably what most students were used to in high school, the tricky part is making sure you study and get your reading done with all of the distractions of NYC right outside your door. If you study hard and ask questions and do the reading you'll get a good grade, there's no special secret or trick; just try hard. There are tons of options to take part in research or special study programs too.




    Campus 校园


    New Yorkers are very friendly and helpful...the food is amazing, transportation system is the best and talking about sports???? Well Yankees, Knicks, Nets, Giants... need I continue?????





    I like to hang out in my dorm's lounges, or in casual lounges in academic buildings. It's fun to hang out in a dining hall, but loud and sometimes smelly.





    You're in New York City! There is literally any attraction you could possibly want - and if not, you can find public transportation to get you elsewhere.










